The use of a civilian confinement facility may only be authorized in the absence of a military confinement facility and reserved for remote commands not attached to a major installation. Requests to confine Marine Corps prisoners, (both pre- and post-trial) will be sent via AMHS to CMC, HQMC Corrections (PLAD - CMC WASHINGTON DC DCI&L) and email to GySgt Joshua Miller at
Parent commands must provide preceding coordination with CMC, HQMC Corrections for the notification of a confinement to ensure proper reimbursement for the daily cost of confinement in a civilian facility.
The message reporting confinement will contain the following information:
Name, grade, and last 4 of SSN.
Date of Birth
Date confined.
Reason for confinement.
Length of sentence, if applicable.
Number of days credit for pre-trial confinement and/or judicial credit.
Name, telephone number, location, and POC for the confinement facility.
Name and telephone number of POC at confining command.
The appropriate Staff Judge Advocate’s office must be notified in writing within 24-hours of service members being placed in pre‑trial confinement.
Pre-trial confinements involving a service member require the necessary documentation to be presented to the Initial Review Officer (IRO).
A confinement physical must be conducted within 24 hours of confining a service member.
Liaison must be made with the confining facility prior to confinement to determine authorized clothing, health, and comfort items for confinement. Commanders are responsible for providing transportation and escorts for confined service members to and from a civilian facility.
Command and legal visitation is subject to the confining facility’s regulations.