Prisoner Disposition

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Arlington, Virginia

Detailed Information

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Paperwork requirements for newly confined prisoners (pre- and post-trial)

Post-Trial Prisoners

  • Original Confinement Order (DD 2707 (2013 Version) Complete with a certified examination by a Medical Officer, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician’s Assistant (not an Independent Duty Corpsman (IDC) or corpsman)

  • Original Victim/Witness Certification and Election (DD 2704)

  • Statement of Trial Results or Report Results of Trial

  • Plea Agreement

  • Charge Sheets

  • Medical and Dental Records

Pre-Trial Prisoners

  • Original Confinement Order (DD 2707 (2013 Version) Complete with a certified examination by a Medical Officer, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician’s Assistant (not an Independent Duty Corpsman (IDC) or corpsman).

  • Medical and Dental Records

  • Military Protective Order (if Applicable)

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Facilities Definitions

Restrictive Housing
To implement policy recommendations contained within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Restricted Housing 2016 final report.  Congregated data will provide the required information to advance policies and correctional practices throughout the Marine Corps corrections system.  

Level I Confinement Facility

Minimum security facilities capable of providing confinement for pre-trial and post-trial prisoners with sentence lengths 1 year or less.

Level II Confinement Facility
Medium security facilities capable of providing confinement for pre-trial and post-trial prisoners with sentence lengths up to 10 years.
Level III Confinement Facility:

Level III Facilities
Maximum security facilities designed for high-risk, long-term (including life), and death sentence prisoners, and are capable of providing post-trial confinement exceeding that of Level II facilities. The United States Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) shall not provide pretrial confinement. Level II facilities with a mission to confine Level III long-term prisoners may provide pre-trial confinement.

Expand List item 6214Collapse List item 6214  
Required items for Prisoners
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marine Corps brig contact phone numbers

MCI-West Brig, Camp Pendleton - (760) 725-8556
MCI-East Regional Brig, Camp Lejeune - (910) 451-7465
MCAS Yuma Brig - (928) 269-2167
MCIPAC Brig, Okinawa - DSN (315) 623-4948
MCAS Iwakuni Brig - (315) 253-3412

Expand List item 6210Collapse List item 6210  
Request to confine in a civilian confinement facility

The use of a civilian confinement facility may only be authorized in the absence of a military confinement facility and reserved for remote commands not attached to a major installation.  Requests to confine Marine Corps prisoners, (both pre- and post-trial) will be sent via AMHS to CMC, HQMC Corrections (PLAD - CMC WASHINGTON DC DCI&L) and email to GySgt Joshua Miller at

Parent commands must provide preceding coordination with CMC, HQMC Corrections for the notification of a confinement to ensure proper reimbursement for the daily cost of confinement in a civilian facility. 

The message reporting confinement will contain the following information:

  • Name, grade, and last 4 of SSN.

  • Date of Birth

  • Date confined.

  • Reason for confinement. 

  • Length of sentence, if applicable. 

  • Number of days credit for pre-trial confinement and/or judicial credit. 

  • Name, telephone number, location, and POC for the confinement facility.      

  • Name and telephone number of POC at confining command.

The appropriate Staff Judge Advocate’s office must be notified in writing within 24-hours of service members being placed in pre‑trial confinement.

Pre-trial confinements involving a service member require the necessary documentation to be presented to the Initial Review Officer (IRO).

A confinement physical must be conducted within 24 hours of confining a service member.

Liaison must be made with the confining facility prior to confinement to determine authorized clothing, health, and comfort items for confinement. Commanders are responsible for providing transportation and escorts for confined service members to and from a civilian facility.

Command and legal visitation is subject to the confining facility’s regulations.

Expand List item 6212Collapse List item 6212  
Request to confine a female in a civilian confinement facility

Parent commands must provide preceding coordination with CMC, HQMC Corrections for the notification of a female confinement to ensure proper reimbursement for the daily cost of confinement in a civilian facility.  An AMHS message must be submitted to CMC, HQMC Corrections upon both the confinement and release of a female service member from a civilian facility.  The officer directing the confinement or release of the female service member must ensure the message is submitted within 24-hours of the action.

The message reporting confinement will contain the following information:

  • Name, grade, and last 4 of SSN.

  • Date confined.

  • Reason for confinement. 

  • Length of sentence, if applicable. 

  • Number of days credit for pre-trial confinement and/or judicial credit. 

  • Name, telephone number, location and a POC at the confinement facility.     

  • Name and telephone number of POC at confining command.

The appropriate Staff Judge Advocate’s Office must be notified in writing within 24-hours of female service members being placed in pre‑trial confinement.

Pre-trial confinements involving a female service member require the necessary documentation to be presented to the Initial Review Officer (IRO) in the same manner as male service members.

A confinement physical, to include a pregnancy test, must be conducted within 24 hours of confining a female service member.

Liaison must be made with the confining facility prior to confinement to determine authorized clothing, health, and comfort items for confinement.

Commanders are responsible for providing transportation and escorts for confined female service members to and from a civilian facility.

Command and legal visitation is subject to the confining facility’s regulations.


Expand List item 6215Collapse List item 6215  
Transfers by Service Record (TR by SR)

A TR by SR is the administrative process of transferring a prisoner by service record book between monitored command codes, effecting a permanent change from the parent command to a Long Term Prisoner unit. Instructions and required templates are available below. Please contact GySgt Joshua Miller at with any questions.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Punitive Discharge (BCD, DD, or Dismissal)

  • At least 90 days remaining until minimum release date.

  • MCTFS record must be up to date.

  • TMO/Personal Effects disposition must be complete.

  • All issued gear must be turned in or a missing gear statement completed.

  • ​No pending legal issues or request masts.

Instructions and Templates

TR by SR Requirements

Request Template

Legal Memo Template

Supply Memo Template

Personal Effects Info Template

Expand List item 6216Collapse List item 6216  
IHCA - Administration of Marines detained by Civil Authorities

The nearest Marine Corps activity receiving information that a Marine (including absentees and deserters) has been apprehended by civilian authorities and has civilian charges pending will establish liaison with civilian authorities and file a military detainer.  A Naval Message shall be sent to the Marine's parent command and CMC, HQMC Corrections providing the following information:

  • Date, time, and place of arrest

  • Place of confinement

  • Charges pending

  • Prospective date of trial

  • Status of the court proceedings, e.g., pending grand jury hearing.

Liaison with civil authorities shall be maintained to inform CMC, PSL Corrections and the Marine's parent command by message of:

  • Any change in the date of trial or continuance.

  • Any change in the allegations or charges.

  • Any action by a grand jury.

  • Any other change of status including movement to another confinement facility, release on bond, or release on own recognizance.

  • Completion of sentence.

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Request for Transport

All requests for transfer and/or transport of USMC prisoners and parolees will be requested by Commanding Officers, via AMHS or letter, to CMC HQMC Corrections.  Requests from the prisoner's parent command shall include:

  • Name

  • Rank

  • SSN

  • Date of Birth

  • Charges

  • Sentence

  • Release Date

  • Height/Weight

  • Requested date of transport

  • Justification for transfer

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CORMIS collects, tracks, and manages data on housing, level of custody, sex offender registration requirements, Brady Bill reporting requirements, jobs, appointments, mental and physical health histories, offenses, courts, sentences, transfers and releases. CORMIS also performs as the central repository for Victim and Witness Assistance Program data. This program automatically calculates sentences, parole eligibility, manages service-members with non-judicial punishment, and Correctional Custody Unit residents and also maintains accountability of inmate funds and valuables and enhances the transfer of prisoners between brigs.

Requesting an Account - Submit all CORMIS SAAR forms to