The Basic Police Officers Course (BPOC) is a HQMC course of instruction that is accredited by both the Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) program and the Dept. of Defense Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)Commission. The course provides initial law enforcement training to Marine Corps and Air Force civilian police officers. The BPOC is conducted at the Marine Corps Police Academy, Ft Leonard Wood, MO. The BPOC consists of 60 days of classroom and hands-on instruction in firearms, non-lethal weapons tactics and techniques, law enforcement subjects, use of force continuum, force protection, police patrol, response to calls for service, emergency vehicle operations, and traffic management. BPOC graduates qualify with the handgun, rifle and shotgun. They are certified in the use of oleoresin capsicum, baton, defensive tactics, first aid/CPR/AED, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and emergency vehicle operations.
Topics Addressed Include the Following:
Weapons - Training includes general safety, clearing barrel procedures, and the safe handling and employment of the M18 Service Pistol, M4 Service Rifle and M1014 Joint Services Combat Shotgun. Students are required to shoot and qualify on each weapon in accordance with MCO 5580.5 (Marine Corps Civilian Law Enforcement Policy).
Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) - Training includes Use of Force/Deadly Force continuum, unarmed individual self-defense skills, and Empty Hand Control Techniques (EHCT). Additionally, students will receive training for the safe handling and employment of both the expandable baton and oleoresin capsicum (OC) canister. Training for the use of OC will include; carry methods, spray patterns and general first aid (decontamination) considerations. NLW training will include students receiving direct OC contamination and traversing through separate engagement stations, demonstrating competency in EHCT and employment of the baton.
Law Enforcement -Training involves police ethics, military law, military authority and jurisdiction, law enforcement reports/forms, mobile patrol duties, conducting standardized field sobriety tests, field interviews/frisks, procedures for processing a crime scene, crisis intervention, and the apprehension of individuals to include the application of the use of force and deadly force in practical application scenarios that culminate in a comprehensive final exercise.
Force Protection - Training consists of basic watch standing skills and responsibilities to include authority and jurisdiction, equipment and logs, controlling access points, detecting surveillance, immediate action, performing personnel and vehicle searches, basic crowd control procedures, and practical application scenarios for effectively performing the duties of a Marine Corps civilian police officer.
First Aid/Bloodborne Pathogens - First Aid training consists of the National Safety Council course which includes adult and pediatric CPR and Automate External Defibrillator use; bloodborne pathogens; first aid, rescuing and moving victims, administration of naloxone, etc.
Gate Information
Main Gate/North Gate (Missouri Avenue) The main gate, also referred to as the North Gate, is located off exit 161 of I-44 on Missouri Avenue. The gate is located about 2 miles south of I-44 and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The visitor’s center is also located at the Main gate and is open 24-7 as well. The visitor’ center can be reached at 573-596-0590 or 573-596-0356.
West gate/Polla Gate
The West gate is located off exit 159 of I-44 in Waynesville, MO on Polla Rd. This gate is located about 5 miles from I-44 and is also open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
South Gate
The south gate is located on Range Road. This gate is not accessible from I-44. This gate is generally for those who live south of the base and is not accessible from any other direction. It is also open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
East Gate
MCPA students are not required to register vehicles aboard the installation. They must, however, show a valid CAC to gain access. Closed until Jan 2023 for construction of a new bridge.
Uniform Tailoring
Students’ training uniforms are ordered through their assigned commands before they attend the BPOC. The students will arrive to the Academy with training uniforms in hand. Students are fitted for duty uniforms on Admin Day 1, prior to Training Day 1 of BPOC. Uniforms will then be delivered to the Academy before graduation.
Contact Numbers
Specker Gym- 573-596- 7377
Davidson Fitness Center- 573-596-4359
Gym/Fitness Center
Hours of Operation |
Weekdays |
8 am - 8 pm
Weekends |
8 am - 8 pm
Holidays |
8 am - 4 pm
Fitness Center |
Hours of Operation |
Weekdays |
5 am - 8 pm
Weekends |
8 am - 6 pm
Holidays |
8 am - 4 pm
Field Training Officer (FTO) Course
The Field Training Officer (FTO) course prepares students to perform the duties of a FTO and FTP Coordinator. In this course, the students learn the Marine Corps FTP procedures and training methods for trainees. Course subjects include history of field training programs, goals and objectives, organizational structure, liability, principles of learning, documentation, evaluation, instructional methods, ethics, operational risk management, communications, remediation and leadership. The coursework is presented through lecture and guided discussion followed by practical exercises. Daily, students practice conducting trainee evaluations utilizing California POST FTO video scenarios. Students are provided all necessary forms and materials to implement or conduct FTO duties.
Desk Sergeants/Patrol Sergeants Course
The First Line Supervision – Desk Sergeants/Patrol Sergeants Course course provides the foundation for newly promoted or assigned law enforcement first line supervisors. The backbone of the course is leadership which is taught through lecture, guided discussion and practical exercise. The duties and responsibilities of Desk Sergeants and Patrol Sergeants are thoroughly covered, and this section may be supplemented with installation-specific procedures and policies when taught locally. Subjects include supervisor’s management role, principles of supervision, leadership, communication, operational risk management, planning, decision making, discipline, productivity, handling complaints, motivation, training, liability, legal update, stress and ethics. A student guide is provided.
Watch Commanders Course
The Watch Commander course complements the First Line Supervision – Tools for the New Desk Sergeants/Patrol Sergeants Course with advanced instruction on leadership and the duties and responsibilities of Watch Commanders. The course prepares newly promoted or assigned Watch Commanders in the following subjects: supervisor’s responsibility, leadership, communication, operational risk management, handling employee complaints and grievances, handling complaints against police, planning, performance evaluations, liability, legal update, training, mentoring, ethics, motivation and Field Training Program overview. The class on duties and responsibilities of Watch Commanders may be supplemented with installation-specific procedures and policies when taught locally. A student guide and resource CD are provided.
Patrol Rifle
This course is for Marine Corps Police Officers who are assigned duties requiring them to be armed with the rifle but are not yet qualified. This course focuses on the handling, maintenance and firing of the M-16/M-4 rifle. Instruction is provided on firearms safety, clearing barrel procedures, nomenclature, handling, tactical carries, presentation, firing positions, reloading, use of slings, movement, and maintenance. Graduates of this course are qualified with the rifle. Training includes live fire each day.
Host department support requirements: classroom, projector, speakers, rifle range with RSO/OIC and Corpsman.
Police Commanders Course
This course provides a cross-pollination environment for installation-level, senior law enforcement personnel to network, engage and discuss current issues facing Marine Corps law enforcement. The curriculum is presented in an open-discussion forum by skilled facilitators and seasoned instructors. Course topics include leadership, law enforcement program and organization, policy, law & theory, planning, programs and tools, personnel and finance, and contemporary issues. This course may require outside reading and preparation by the students. A student guide and reference CD are provided.
Host department support requirements: classroom, projector, speakers.
Special Reaction Team (SRT)
This course provides instruction regarding basic SRT techniques and tactics. This instruction builds upon basic weapons handling and tactical situation resolution skills developed in the Marine Corps Police Academies and the Military Police School. The instruction provides the participants with enhanced skills, techniques and tactics increasing the probability of successfully resolving tactical situations and surviving deadly force encounters with suspects. Students receive instruction and practical application in weapons handling, advanced firearm tactics and threat engagement, building entry, enclosure clearing and breaching. The emphasis of the course is weapons handling, effective shot placement under stress and building entry and clearing. The stress element of the course comes from the introduction of stringent time constraints for target engagement and force-on-force training using SESAMS. Training includes 1 week of live fire drills and practical exercises throughout the course.
SRT Marksman/Observer
This course provides instruction regarding SRT Marksman/Observer (M/O) techniques and tactics. The instruction provides the participants with enhanced skills, techniques and tactics increasing the probability of successfully resolving tactical situations and surviving deadly force encounters with suspects. Students receive instruction and practical application in weapons handling, advanced firearms tactics, threat engagement, optical sighting systems, range estimation, camouflage, stalking, field sketching, M/O team organization, use of force application, hide construction, effects of weather, angle shooting and moving target engagement. The emphasis of the course is on weapons handling, effective shot placement under stress, engaging threats from varying distances and observation, reporting and recording. The stress element of the course comes from physical exercises (e.g. jogging) and the introduction of stringent time constraints for target engagement.
a. Must currently hold MOS 5811 (Military Police) or GS-083 (Police Officer. Military Police must have obtained the grade of corporal or higher. Must be a volunteer. Possess a high degree of maturity and self-control. Maintain minimum first class physical fitness standards. Qualified as an expert with service rifle and pistol.
b. Full duty status.
c. Completed either the US Army SRT Course; or USMC SRT Course