
Law Enforcement
Timothy P. Timmins

Mr. Timmins became the second Military Working Dog (MWD) Program Manager for the Marine Corps in August of 2022. This after a 25 plus year career which began in February 1996 as a Military Policeman, 20 years as a MWD handler, and culminated with his retirement in October 2021 as the Army’s MWD Program Sergeant Major (SGM). His key leadership positions included Team Leader, Senior Patrol-Explosive Detector Dog Handler, MWD Plans/Operations Noncommissioned Officer (NCO), Kennel Master, MWD Program Manager, First Sergeant, Senior Instructor, and MWD Program SGM. Mr. Timmins’ assignments included FT Bragg, NC (82nd MP Company); FT Irwin, CA (NTC MP Company); Darmstadt, Germany (529th MP Company); FT Rucker, AL (6th MP Detachment); Schofield Barracks, HI (728th MP Battalion); FT Shafter, HI (HQ, US Army Pacific); Joint Base San Antonio, TX (Company D, 701st MP Battalion); US Army Sergeants Major Academy, FT Bliss, TX (Class 67), FT Leonard Wood, MO (Basic Military Police Training Division, 14th MP Brigade), and Headquarters Department of the Army Pentagon, VA (Office of the Provost Marshal General). Additionally, his service called for deployments to Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq in support of peacekeeping and combat operations.

Mr. Timmins’ military and civilian education included Military Police School, the Basic, Advanced, and Senior Leader Courses, Sergeants Major Course, Airborne School, MWD Handler Course, Hazardous Materials Transportation Course, MWD Kennel Master Course, Domestic Violence Intervention Training, Equal Opportunity Leader Course, Conventional Physical Security/Crime Prevention Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, Combatives Level 1, Combat Trainer Course, Anti-Terrorism Officer (Basic) Course, 1SG and Company Commander Pre-Command Course, Master Resiliency Training, Cadre Training Course, and the Action Officer Basic Course. Mr. Timmins holds an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies from American Public University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College.

Mr. Timmins’ awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3rd award), Army Commendation Medal (6th award), Army Achievement Medal (3rd award), Air Force Achievement Medal, and the Good Conduct Medal (8th award). He also earned the Army Parachutist, Drivers, and Department of the Army Staff Identification Badges as well as being a recipient of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Award.